Thursday 11 July 2013


my mother-in-law recorded over my video cassette of 'Madonna:- Live from Bangkok' with several episodes of her 3rd favourite soap opera ('Emmerdale Farm') / the prince of thumbs (thumb prince) / i caught Bleeding Tom Mills (AKA The Laughing Gob) trying to clean his mucky teeth with my girlfriend's best hankie / Bleeding Tom Mills (AKA The Laughing Gob) thinks that the internet is a load of old clap-trap / trapped in the undergound dungeon with Bleeding Tom Mills (AKA The Laughing Gob) and an Austrian man with a mousatche which doesn't suit him / i taught Bleeding Tom Mills (AKA The Laughing Gob) to interact with humans, moon-babies and moomins / Bleeding Tom Mills (AKA The Laughing Gob) is probably the least intelligent person i know (maybe with the exception of Stewart 'Jacamo' Cliff) / i tried to encourage Arm Pit Prince to lend his deodrant to Bleeding Tom Mills (AKA The Laughing Gob) / Bleeding Tom Mills (AKA The Laughing Gob) does not believe in the caramel sunset (they go inside the zebra, Keith) / i lent my 'Best of Malcolm Straight and the Bent Sisters of Mercy' cassette to that sweaty boy in the corner (Bleeding Tom Mills (AKA The Laughing Gob) / French handshakes / i took off my clothes and laid down next to Bleeding Tom Mills (AKA The Laughing Gob)

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