'Red Behind'
I painted your lips when you was dead (gnathic children of Mars) / homophobic pastry / we shake hands with kids who are smaller than us / milk man on ketamine / I was lost, but just for a while, I was saved..but where am I now? / Sam’s ideas (babies who live in worn-out rockets) /I discovered the ancient tool box, and in it was a written note which I decided not to read / Janus Harris was the cream of punk (or was that queen of punk?) /no use for sundry ape / dead astronaut on the shag pile carpet / evil spaceman apologist / ghetto beats / prince of caramel / toffee-nosed holocaust/ kingdom of flies (dead flies) / / three reasons that Pink Donkey is better than White Monkey / my son-in-law wiped his plate clean with my best Armani silk shirt.. I quickly took away all of his toys and dumped them in the river Seine / inside a bachelor’s kitchen / gender rebellion / last of the deaf poets / dead end banquet ./ dead children on the moon / melting gods / MY my daughter-in-law insisted I remove my rubber mask before entering her bedroom / / forgotten teeth / I left my front teeth on the back of the bachelor’s moped / broken walnuts / invisible hairy ghost / I have always had a fondness for kooky murderers / I have always loved you, killer / the man who couldn’t take to aliens / pansy in a lift with a bunch of hard-line criminals etc. / ghetto glue / the ABC string (sizeable tits) /what makes you think it is acceptable to glue your eyebrows back on? / binge thinking / somebody has just written my name on the back of Chris Dog-Nut’s face / she insists on making love with a python draped across her shoulders / prized skull / I made love whilst clasping a python in my right hand / she always makes love with a python wrapped around her neck / ‘I haven’t had sex for over 3 minutes’ complained the sex addict / I am addicted to tickling my own ball bag /modern scorn /blind man sniffing around the abandoned farm /we quickly realised we were in a post-apocalyptic movie / I stole your nick-name (camped out all night with Trevor McDonald) / Big Ted was a paedophile / car boot baby / orange valves / shallow-fired love nest / Skid Row Beauties / UR the guy from XX / theatre of invisible players (the milk zombie is back from the cheesy grave) /I melted cheese onto my dreams / Dutch gravy / John lost it on the last train home/European eroticism is number 01 / killed by a falling star!! / Egyptian people on Mars / toothless beauty queen/bath house blues / ‘Kipper Jacket’ by Trojan Ollie and the Fall of Toy Town is a 3 start cassette at best, mother / felt-tip empire / jewellery box blues/there were only enough Mae West’s for the children and the bloke dressed as a gorilla / sometimes, the fish need eating and the meat needs chucking out/cheese on toast and a bucket of parasites / gorilla called Barry / you tried to pour scorn on me but you accidentally poured onion gravy on me by mistake / something must have gone terribly awry if he doesn’t get his allotted amount of pussy / I don’t eat meat, I just like it from time to time /shot down by Pegasus / grandpa’s fangs / /swollen units / the carefree whore / /Oswald Rivaldo and the loose girls of Ford factory / classic bruiser / juicy sex horror story volume XXX /shopping for shoulder (we tickled the panther’s belly) / rubber Charlie / ten gallon Jackson / yeah no Jackson 6 / Sid Chilli, con man in a cardigan / wrapped head of dead man / crayon baby / the day they shaved their teeth /My Princess Diana fantasy file book 03:- 1. Princess Di was my lover, friend and sister / careful with that vile of deadly disease, son / T: mumbling Jesus /pansy in the snake pit / what to do with remaining teeth / I shaved off my grandson’s beard / Roger, Dick and Nelly are not real names, Jack / Christmas men / gay fellowship / picked up a lesbian at Dusseldorf Choir Christmas concert /feet smell of onion bhaji / Don Carlos and the African Jazz Astronauts / Blake Adams and the filthy lizards – Moosewood Apple Woodcock / shake down the fraggle/ crippled astronauts / theatre of menace and hatred / hart attack on last train home / crippled lineage / luxury apocalypse / T: I am not from Bangkok / please enjoy your brand-new plastic Jesus / Slurpy Jesus back in town /swollen bones/ Amy Winehouse is not alive / Chemical Addiction bum – Amy Whitehouse (experimental jazz cassettes left in a shoes box which was discovered by my septuagenarian girlfriend) / yes sexy blonde woman, it’s a bum bath..hey hey / y’all come to my shack and eat some grits and have some orgy now / I checked my pulse in Stockholm / stocky Jesus - the musical / we found the Croesus flicking through a coffin brochure..he was focusing on the gold coffins..of course!! / kid of the Congo / Belgian Congo horror show on-lookers / Saturday night neeps / if Tom is reading this it means he has discovered that… (deleted / conventional bruiser / studying the death squad / shake down the fragile / cooking up some ‘great shit’ / cemetery shag / shagged before supper / jazz baby heat wave / birth of a stranger / stuck on a strange woman /Pop Larrikin and the deep-fried potatoes / shocked by the lack of good breath amongst my ancestors / sports casual sex / severe lack of good breeding in Village of Damned / city centre Hercules / missing teeth love triangle / greasy baby / booing gee the unbridled joy of casual sex /my boyfriend has a morbid fear of roller coasters / my boyfriend has a morbid fear of radiators / Johnny Death-Ray and the Holocaust Puppets / I finger you in your dream / ..it stems from a morbid fear of Der Sensenmann / sexual inclination towards wellington boot / Once I saw him at the front of the stage with this naked old woman and he was shoving his Vaseline finger in and out of her backside to the rhythm of the music while ringing this bell at the same time/ paint my human / hot eyeballs / / yes, I am a lunatic and I am going to marry your mother / lunatic /TV Smith and the Lost Crows / why didn’t I switch the TV off? (why did I wait for my boyfriend to do it?) / missing lovers 1 through 2 / elegant spastic / girl , you’re a better man than me / gentrification shy horse (in pub) / rainbow-coloured corpse made the children happy /miraculous comb-over / shedding skin in 1987 / I saw you coming with the shit slit / Christmas in Tupelo / I don’t need you anymore, so I made you get off the bike / the pain of being a balding Rasta/ Bleeding Tom Mills has absolutely no social skills / I can’t wait to attend my first ever horse autopsy (I’m gonna take notes and everything) / the childish Alaskan yeti hunter is dating my kid sister / I spent much of Tuesday inspecting the naked Japanese people in my sister’s back garden / performing BMX tricks on the moon / Black Nelson and the starving children of Bleeding Tom Mills (shite web) / we knew for sure my boss had gone crazy when he attempted to communicate with a jar of pickles / cat on the caravan roof (lid) / dandruff legacy / Utopia death squad / an hour of sad stories set to jazz-rave music / you shallow-fired your baby / hunting for chubby people / ticklish orchestra conductor / Utopian bones / lessons learned in Utopia / street horse carry-out / boneless boogie / leftover dance positions / Bobby’s child / sucking on devil eggs / hello Chris, welcome to the fourth hour of sitar music / gone with the fart/ damaged imitation / people who play video games need to spend more time with their families / greasy remains / we handed him a towel for him to mop his sweaty countenance / section b: waiting for Dumbo / I sometimes have sex / ghetto toes / the brains were in the garbage can / Irish face/ coconut whistle / yellow traffic / Hercules and me / biblical teeth / is VV acronym for Viscous Vortex? / damp hat / deathly legacy (food defer) / turtle box / box of cash for Daddy Rosh Youth / lung trumpet / it’s not every day you meet an incompetent bearded man / jewels of the death house