Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Alien Evidence in Muck City Underworld

'Take Me On!!'

'Alien Evidence in Muck City Underworld'

 45-46 (twit’s beard) / mojo lunch break / tidy up your beard, the travellers are coming home / dining alone with just a waxwork dummy for company / Preston and me vanishing like Bigfoot + Elvis / rhubarbs are a mythical vegetable / grown men playing soldiers in the middle of the night / I grew a beard and changed my name to ‘Peter the Bearded Man’ / dish of secrets / who gave you a gun, sweet solider? / chestnut wolf / gloves off before dinner, Christopher Jamie Toll / walnut tissue / we received some body parts through the post / irretrievable landslide / I licked my fingers before it all started  /it started with a wink and a lick of the lips / I should have made it clear that I was only a Summer Lesbian /  crumbs on the dining room table (menagerie of headless animals) /shapeless animals / coconut history week / stuck in traffic on LSD / LSD ledger / Captain Squash Knuckle, Boogie Razik, Tony Prawn and Kid Spectrum are my pals (yes) / Duck in the air / sunburnt chimps / gay for the summer / I want to taste the sweet foggy sunrise / stop focusing on the sunburnt hands, Allad (N) / I will shave and then come and help you with your twatish psychology homework, son / skeleton skag bones  /I play my accordion and people quit the room / stench of Amon / all-electric porn show / creamy nightmare / three men tied together in the ocean /  I wear a skull cap and I clean my teeth frequently..what else do you need to know? / Jewish jaw line (slack pussy) / I just went to bed with Miss Steve Ogrizovic / I am in-between picnics /box of giants / swollen heart strings / igloo banquet / going out with Dog Boy / African jazz mag / sundry corpses / tropical pipe dust / African slagging match. /African children floating around the day care centre  /perfumed toothpaste is all I use /  I just left the room with the stinking corpse in it / breathe through your eyes / octopus on the roof / chutney ladder / God’s awful breath / free from shit – I’m going to kill these kids / jazz club thumbs / coffee coloured males walked past my front door carrying sacks of corpses / twisted mouths of DCC / the stripper daubed the words ‘Phallus Dei’ onto her changing room mirror / god’s awful grin / Glenn Hodges sold his medal collection to fund a new business venture which happens to be a hedge-trimming company (Hodge trims hedges..yes) / I wear my dead wife’s underwear for sentimental reasons / blacked-out teeth  /bottle of beautiful poison / prized teeth / ancient orgy / we allotted half an hour to discuss the middlemass / green teeth of zombie (AKA verdant gnashers of zombie) / distressed by the sight of a pig in underwear  /kinky porcine / / ignore the humid jury / holiday horse / porcine beauty / shut the FU / coconut spasm / holiday with the horses / holiday on hoss back ( men with no limbs) / haemorrhoid ocean / get back with your wife and then leave her again for a boy named Allan / we ignored the Chinese passengers and focused our attention on the cream pies (we are not racist, we just love cream pies) / jazz alibi mêlée (IHDTOTFAW) /I parked my bike in front of the sculpture / 1 through 11 all feat. David Bowie, 7 feat. David Bowie and Nightmare Triangle Ensemble / cemetery teeth / plastic fingers of our youth 

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