Wednesday, 17 July 2013

The World's First Ever Photo Portrait

'The World's First Ever Photo Portrait '

'New Melville? (Purported History of the 43s)'

velvet bag containing bones of scoundrels etc. / modern mud / slinging mud at the sorcerer’s apprentice (who is a robot) / Self-imposed exile from the petting zoo / you cried out ‘lord give me some potatoes’ / I worship her factory-conditioned lips / Sahara Johansson making love to me for a minute or so / my girlfriend has an oblong face / Quality Street Jesus / parsimonious chimp / big bug-eyed Jesus Christ effigy resting on a Northern clergyman’s lap (as he sleeps on his lunch break) / me and my plastic feature / Chinese father who filled his house with the scent of his wife (deceased) / anal luxury (secret anus) / Neil Dipple and the hot fraggles / occidental wind smelt of curried men / overseas biscuit / time team terrorist / kinky freed men / burnt hands of Lord / cowboy don’t wear shoes / mesmerised by infant dog / lost at sea with the Donkey Kids / 7 things you didn’t know about Marvellous Marvyn Matthews:- 1. Marvyn has a complex about his teeth and has undergone extensive and painful cosmetic dental surgery 2.  Marvyn married a young Russian lady named (name deleted) but could hardly ever /sucking on the hate pipe / I hate men that others admire /  I remember when men were women / sunspot onions (happy on the horizon with God) / blind date with the mutant / blind man on a blind date with a myopic super model / for Mr Voss or occupant / trembling hands of Christ./ riding around town on a horse called Steve / Mexican oddity dips (AKA Mexican eyeballs) / I didn’t harm my girlfriend..she did it herself / pancake Monday (walrus moustache) / primitive empire (is there anything you want to add, Daniel? / Daniel’s listed dolls house / secretly economical / boiled head for brunch. / half arsed attempt at killing PE number one / cowboy on the moon / we wrapped the skinny cowboy in cellophane and placed him in the back of the jalopy / bird in shoes / Vatican nose bleed / I bled all over the fascist’s carpet / creamy gorillas (reunion of Chopper +  Eric) / sham poo / let’s make a fist and get aggressive, mamma. / my dad was 17 years old when he pretended to join the Bubble gum Police/ Victorian-era cyborgs  permeate my dreams / cuckoo is still not dead./ bubble breath / chalky octopus/ blind man walking around a dangerous cave or something / xmas card from Mars / passages to IRF / Caribbean eyebrows / Ireland Returns / the death of bubble came as a relief / refractory hand gestures aimed at the Silver Children /£5.99 haircut / my bad or good breath /  candy wrappers on the moon / the miracle of lesbianism / frightened of the oncoming crash / The African Slade/ prince of prisons / the day my boyfriend took me to an empty zoo / we named our baby ‘Z’…classic name. / electricity dreams of the evil  / like to smoke ganja on the way home from space. / a rifle for Godwin Jackson / thirst of the sand –dwellers/ walking around the city with my perfumed fingers tucked tightly inside my back pockets / walking through the stinking city with a voodoo potion and a catalogue of exotic mammals / impressed by the lack of technology aboard the spaceship / shuttle me away to Havana / Voodoo 2000 – I wanna see the gorgeous bones tonight / deformed animal parade / my dad’s poems abjure conventional explanation / optical allusion (God’s own puppet theatre) / forgotten plump ladies of 1950-44 / plump show-off /  fat shadow / blinking before breakfast / seasonal wire / fragrant breakfast / parade of bones / beautiful brick-layer / the cracked feet of desert-dwellers/  let’s get reborn / vulture fashion school / soothing triumph /  people get pickled / fingers on the moon / NBC Bird Solutions (RNA) / someone stole my fart / farting into a beauty girl’s mouth / it’s hard to play the piano with cloved hoofs/ walrus at the society ball (fitting in nicely)/ Melanie hid in the cupboard for the duration of the broadcast of ‘Horrific People Vol. 02’ / hidden piss-flaps / I handed my cassette of Supermarket Music to the cassette museum. / perfect death of Mahatma Jones / so is it a contentious bone yard or a pretentious bone yard? / put my socks on in the summer

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