Gowa Copa (Moonboy Del Boy Collective)
or Airfix Grand Prix Mini Proxi Maxi Fix)
Dixon Ampersand
frogwater sand-ditch sandwitch
purple dentist appointment, candy arms filler with crocodilla rump bastard, heinous frog wopple hog switch-over valve cuddled sinner smile of grass stinker
is this Felix Cubin
what is horse bread?
Chuck and Dano
(white horse manure). fields of Ephraim
Gussett Flower Card 1
Holy Tooth
Siflcube 0
Harry Travolta and Bis Ocki
we smoke shite
house pickle
sandman 2002
so Jim you think it's time to, like, get fuckin' crazy man? 'well gee i dunno Yamo, salt and pepper clips roundhouse kicks funky vinegar Stew what?'