Monday, 21 December 2020

poems for 2021 2



Tempered crumpet dials and measured in real-time handjive

Fustian straps calibrate as drizzle descends

Laughing into sleeves

Weeping into buttered curlcoms

Dossing off as tosser clerk folds his inspection limpets

The crass see-saw filching of prev.

Inspection racket is burnt into timbered eyes

As grass is chewed in far-off colony

Stroppy cats and plagued by offending treasury cow


As Jack Slazenger drops to his wheels

Of bone dust we riddle the edifice

Of the drag-chamber underside

Tunnels of cheese whistle and blend with cream

Butter drips salt fashion

In a medley of pingous melting matters

derty fangle musiac

Of frayed string in mouse-hole corner

Butchered tethers, gradually skinning refusing blistering corn shield

In franked disused muddle

Lofthouse repaired from sketchbook

Smurf patterns gradually emerge amongst glowing debri

Forged bullgro insidious hatching devils


Of fish battered and fried in oil

Braved the storms with carefree galloping gait

rival pigeons  are groaning at lack of weight in crow’s bones

fossils are revealed as the wash descends

back into primeval cupboard


And so magnetic wheels

Are freed from their once rightful place

And Siamese twins are detached

Wet cloth pamphlets

From bygone times

When sun did shine

For weeks on end


And bird scrapers beak action

Radio static grazes the airwaves

Combustion chamber echo dogs

Lark streaks R4

Vegetable turtle bubble


caramel horse

popinjay fudge

echo chamber

breaks standfish

night howl

encumbered by rot and grayfish

robert robot mid 2020

Robert Robot

Selfish rubber boots wearing thin

A small fragment of glass lodges above upper lip

Glimpses of moustache

Poked a hole

The cruets are dipped in low fat salad dressing

Holes dug out

And refilled

Timeless manoeuvre

And catching spilt oil with a dishcloth

Removed salt from diner table

Cramps up and gobs up breakfast

Salt and licking plaster

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