Saturday, 17 August 2013

Chrissy's Dream

'Chrissy's Dream'

'Russia Dust (60)'

'Barker's Madness'

'Are the Speed Kings'

Blue Indian punk poetry club.. 'hello, may name is Sid Daniels.  i would like to share my latest epoee with you. i wrote this on the back of a greasy spoon menu:- 'what is a dog doing sitting in my chair? why is it sitting there and why should i care? because it is my chair, the best one i got. the chair is for me, not for a dog. i sit in it on a Wednesday and a Friday too. now it is covered in dog poo' / drinking sweet tea with some heterosexual West Africans and a bloke that used to work with my uncle / re-imagined Poppa Harrison Dog House lyrics (i am suddenly reminded  of a raised fist in Year 02 ..the never-ending shit part 2)..walking down a cold street in a hot city. i met a woman she wasn't so pretty. had teeth like an Englishman and deformed feet. i could tell she didn't like me so i took a a small cafe which smelt of shit.. looked at the menu, licked my lips.. boiled eggs and ham..a favourite of mine.. ordered it with me last dime. suddenly the ugly lady approaches me. can i have some food? she asks, looking at me. yes, i reply..what would you like? a piece of cake and a brand new bike. you can't eat a bike, is what i say. you can if you put your mind to it, Ray.  how did you know that my name was Ray? i knew all along..

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