Thursday, 15 March 2012

asleep in the kip pipe / Elvis Lives?

'Elvis Lives?'

'Hypermarket Dilemma'

'Strawberry Fayre 2015'

'I Heart PJ Harvey (American Singer)'

'At King Huck'

'Asleep in the Kip Pipe (My Scottish Rules)'

'Absolution 2013'

'Yeti Summers'

'Tate Modern 2015'

'Anything you want, i've got it'

'HM AG Not You Perin'

'Metropolis Lounge Peterborough - Found Object:- 'Shoe''

'Taddy at Rest - Peterborough Beer Festival 2015'

'Do You Love Lou Reed?'

Asleep in the kip pipe / anal lung
The luxurious blister / blank baby
Blank-faced baby being shown how to turn on the flat-screen
Ashamed by Bungle Baby
Milk-white eyelashes / baddies ashes
That vulgar baby! / regional ghosts
I hate people that wear their hats at a jaunty angle / Biro Shelley has ink all over his lips
Second hand gestures / ticklish Boothroyd
Romany babies floating above the back yard / don’t eat the pork chops – they’re made of foam
We do we love the Ra-Ra Children? / are children really made of plastic?
I hate buildings / Mandarin Vaccum
My sister gave birth to a plastic doll
Going on about Code 3 to people that couldn’t give a hoot, man.
Asleep in the car which he calls his house / History wasn’t made in a day, Nigel
The day I met a small boy in the middle of the road
It all comes from the mouth of Ja, you know / happy Jap with a mouthful of fried seaweed
I was initially disturbed by the floating yellow babies..but soon grew to love them
The last days of professional wrestling / pin head on the porch (drinking sweet ulcer juice)
Hey there granddad, give us some yellow leather / we kept on staring into Kylie’s third eye
Sweating corpse / the stained feet of Samba Baby
I came third in a ‘name Kylie Minogue’s baby’ competition (I chose the name ‘Rudolph Minogue’)
In honour of the taped-up duck baby
Diego’s filthy weapon / corpse on the sofa
Corpus of happy fat babies
Is that still Ian? / mourning booth
Pope swap / Coco Mignolet at the 80’s strip club
I came back before you were born; to deliver a talking monkey / hot lung
I put down his teeth and managed to climb away from Fish Doctor / when I wuz a lesbian
I ain’t got no hair on my teeth (we wiped away the yellow liquid that had formed around the sausage)
I ain’t gonna help you chuck out that big ol’ corpse/ let’s paint this wall with our blood
Making love to the escaped chimp / the astronaut slowly removed his helmet to reveal the face of Black Angel
These dirty baboon hands of mine / generic slaughter house 1
I can’t get a girlfriend because of these deformed and dirty hands of mine
I unlocked the toilet door to find a corpse with worms climbing out of its eye sockets; mmm…nice!!
2000 years of Christian history and you ain’t learned to love me yet
Get back on that cow, boy / contemporary boffin (with an I-Pad)
I’m tall, I’m thin; I live with a woman and when I do my thing she assures me her real name  is ‘Lolly’
I stink of Prince, I stink of Kiss..i stink so good you gotta lurve me now.
Love me (tame me), love me (eat that veg what is left on yer plate)
Love me (hate me now), for I am really Jesus
My  world volume 01- a pretty Asian girl is sitting on top of a man-made rock and she is singing a very sweet lament
Can I meet you for sugar?
I tick off the names of the people as they enter the bathroom
I cannot see God right now, Julian / caustic piano
Land of the smiling dead / God is taking a bath
David Bowie is living in a cave with no TV or stereo records
He will get in  the party mood soon / King Drone is my mother
King Doom is coming for dinner / thump the duck
the world opened up like a vagina and we dived in (not forgetting to bring our letters and photos with us)
the smell remined me of a newborn duck’s breath
A frightened smile appeared on the cadaver’s face
The day I met a bloke called Mary
We smashed the boss in the head and then asked him to identify the Gland Demon
Barrymore and Skinner snorting the dried bones of the ancient coalminers
Shaving a monkey’s face in the morning/ the mystery of human kindness
Damo Suzuki is going to knit me a new yella sweater
I found your Cush Cush hat in my dirty laundry bag
 I found my girlfriend crashed out on the beige sofa with a picture of a teenage transvetite in her hand
His bĂȘte noire was young ladies who dress up like their favourite pop singers
Dylan had a strong aversion to bananad and could not stand to touch the Velevet Underground & Nico LP
Smith is my lover now, Randolph / pout at the devil
We sat on top of the Berlin Wall eating peaches and gravy and dreaming of freedom / the Happy Germans
Pound for pound, this is the best human I ever snacked on
Cannibal’s pie / the unusual bummer
Would you trim that beard a little before we go out to dinner?
His beard got caught up in the cassette spools
Drums being smashed by a blind Albino child
My daughter sketched a picture of the World Trade Centre, even though she had never seen it before
Dummy on the trip. / pink war
We opened the old box to find a Spiritualized cassette which was covered in cat fur and used bubble gum
Terrific corpse / deep-fried cat map
We could see the end of capitalism by Christmas / childish feet
Chinese bones / beans in the middle (Welshman in New York)
Loaded off on cutchy smores
Basic ingestion number A / damaged perm
Christmas dogs sniffing the antiquted rainbow
Epileptic cutchy
Dancing with no legs / dog in the rainbow
Once upon a time, we lived happily ever after
This is for Leonard, if he’s still here (he may have gone to have a new moustache painted on)
We painted a moustache on the child’s face to make him look older
This here curious zombie (full of energy, not like regular zombie)
A camel watching a video of ‘Wedding Crashers’ and turning it off half way through cos it is crap
Even cowboys feel sad sometimes / a boy wearing a crocodile’s hat
Cry cry cry with Thin Lizzy and the underground teeth / wet bandages
A morbid fascination with Phil Lynot / classical moustache
..that was revenge on everyone who told me I was a no-good bum (House pig)
Housing the leftover kids / Bucky Cluster and the curried ladies
Don’t give up Leonard; there is still time to invent a new flavour of gravy
Diseased beard / why do zombies have furry teeth?
Why won’t you love me like Big Julian used to? / he dipped his moustache in the curry sauce
Making love to the deformed jeweller
Lunch-time freak-out / shake out the victims (born to lose)
Coughing up bloody poems before a grinning semi-naked fat man
The fat man was so greasy that he kept sliding off his standard-issued metal chair
I thought I just got nailed to the cross.. but I was just dreamin’ / tons of home-made sewage
Retro scratch vol. 01 (I painted my teeth) / bearded hangover
The broom cupboard was full of discarded damaged beards / she borrowed my moustache for the weekend
Image A:- French people with long noses smoking Gitanes and drinking good wine
Image B:- old crow sipping on a magnum of champagne and trying to decide which suit to wear tonite
Scrunt magazine issue 03 (comes with a free dayglo beard) / hospital pop
Lucky to be alive in the wet room / a sack full of rare birds (and other feathered things)
We encouraged Damien Hirst to paint our sister’s breasts in his trademark ‘dot’ style
The greasy tramp had spilt his whisky milkshake all over the leper’s rotten feet..and the leper enjoyed the cool feeling from the whisky milkshake
We gobbed into the Queen’s face to show her that we did not really respect her
I can’t bring myself to you tonight; my beard is just too long for me to feel comfortable going out in public
I got the passion, you got the ass / clean your skeleton teeth, Barry
Don’t mention the greasy skeleton / abortion bag
Eternity is in love with the productions of time/ the day Oddjob transformed himself into an owl in a cartoon
Slow show of crippled hands / timeless cripple
Over (nostrils clogged)
Every time you kiss my toe / Paddy was a Rolling Stone
Western Pussy:- thrown from Millwall to (where are we?)
Luton Corpse
Amidst stuffed horses' heads, skeletons on bicycles and mocked up corpses, sit three angry-looking batchelors
Stuffed horse on the front lawn  / cyclone bone
we sat outside the huge cement factory and a clown walked past and asked us directions to the ice cream parlour
we like to pickle / paddy likes to pickle
do you live in paradise with little dog?
We heard that you didn’t shoot the living no more
Hello, my name is Thomas Mills. I am 33 years old and I still haven’t figured out what I want to do tonight
The dead men of Astral City / chomping on a piece of meat at 3.30am
Well, I really didn’t think it would start this way..a fox dancing at my bedroom window
We sailed away with three French prostitutes and a big bearded scholar named Olly
Kraut in make-up / we entered heaven and immediately realised that we had left Zingy Renter behind
Lipstick on a conker dog / local ghosts
Bearded women sitting around eating cakes / Pele Boer in the candy cave
I didn’t change into a woman immediately / Juke Cinders is my best lover ever
Arse tax / fat stripogramme
Thomas Mills has never met a man he really liked / sliding into Hollywood
Jim Gritt arrived home to find a naked dog eating his vegetable collection
Let’s get naked and talk about poodles. / American memory
Deformed seagull / moon booby (she’ll be dead on Tuesday)
Gulliver’s army
Last man to egress must be the hairiest one
You can’t tempt me to come aboard with a bag of gnarly gonads / royal weigh-in
The day they licked all of the partcipants ice creams
This green cardigan that I wear in hospital
That candy bastard got her drinking straight from the bottle
This sniffing hand is ready for the Glue Manure.
Reggae yellow Japanese cartoon / me no Pop Eye
Built for bumming / Tudor moustache
Cup of deathly soup. / frog egg resting on the front porch, being pecked at by a boy in a Scab Man mask.
Future of matrix / Tuesday user
Why are women so fat?
Kris wants a dummy biscuit.
Why don’t you get rid of the gorilla?..i’m feeling lush tonight.
Hankies being waved and legs being bitten off
She started gyrating rather inappropriately as the corpse was wheeled out
Hell is in season  /black Diana
King Mercedes and the black buccaneers
Does the sweet candy stickin the back of yer throat?
I am the person who goes around scratching peoples backs for them
Diamond infant / thinking about the absent captain
I am a dream..but I want my corporeal self to materialize in the fashionable desert
Rick’s dick / Pippa lifted up her skirt to reveal an eye and a small vibrating crocodile
Chicken’s ticker
French movements / ginger basis
Zardoz and Holy Mountain / Serge attached his substantial lips to the side of the telephone box
I’m making a big effort to disturb the primates / Catwoman was a fish
The world became wide open today
Your favourite bearded teenager / moustache transplant
Deserted gonads / Catfish ‘n’ women
This was true (grinning American) / grinning Yank
Alternatives to valium / Submarine lips
D1 – I ahm the King o’ Brighton.. I work for my pappa on da railroads
D2 – fried in Sunbirth
Thomas Mills received his degree and then went and bought a half-price whore
Thomas Mills resembles a Muslim troll doctor / post-war picnic
Welcome to Scrag TV annual dinner-dance (Thomas Mills is my lover)
I love most boys, but mainly that artist over there (the one with the Simian Diafram in his left hand)
Are you really happy with that beefcake? / Trash Mash 2000
Girls of Preston eating chips and walking around with ketchup all over their chins
The day we took in the trash handlers / Debbie’s trash
A glorious death for Apple Pie Adams / African gland
Simian diafram / gone-off clock (gone-off cheese)
Bitten by a greasy rodent
Swollen traffic / Nigel Kennedy is my boyfriend
The boy without a bugle
Diseased corpses floating in the swimming baths
Big boy in the deep-end / mauve donkey
I met TV Diana at the fag-end of the fifteenth century
Black Madras
Covering your face with a big dog / Sambo Putin
My favourite Lemming / he gave me 1p and I gave him a BJ
Thomas Mills gives out the fifth best BJs in Norfolk Island
Gays of Norfolk swimming around in the ocean on New Years Day
Lad named Thomas Mills trying to climb up a big bearded mountain
Eating cheesecake with the incumbent Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Union of Russia and Belarus
Blue candy in my asshole / grapefruit for tramp
AIDS leftovers / you can’t catch Diphtheria if your name is Ian Broom
Those glorious days of AIDS-free sex
Glorious insurgent / don’t damage the outer-layer of Harmless Boothroyd
Jungle bistro / punk in paradise (hospital clock)
Thinking lovingly about Robson-Kanu
Courageous corpse / toothy porn star
Hobo in the ocean / I love all this mesmerising sludge
Transvestite dinner
Glorious ononist
Young Red Indian eating a soya burger for his late supper
I spent several minutes draining the fat off my burger, then I decided to give it to Cat Man
Jesus was a special kid..he knew how to play poker to a pro standard
Hobo poetry club (hobo in the sun) / Samba crisis (he went to Russia)
George Carpet eating lightbulbs on TV
I am pseudo dog catcher (real dog?)
“Do you have a classical education?” the tremulous voice had demanded on the phone. “Because the number on the door is in roman numerals” / Hide the Sikh
He doesn’t give a shit about death / to remove this label take it off
My idyllic Scottish childhood was disturbed by the emergence of a gorilla who claimed to be my father
Non-American bummer / Biscuits for Clarky
They don’t play that on Sikh FM / Hide ‘n’ Seek FM
Muddled fingers / I removed my sunglasses and drove to Bethlehem
Hilary and Daisy laughing at deformed people’s faces
Cream off my teen dream (ancient cobweb)
I think it would be inappropriate to dance at this juncture / pickled dream valve
Pushing cats / defunct moustache
Igor Cutter class vol.01 (in the supermarket)-the birds and bees have now been removed
Above:- his name was changed to protect the identity of himself / deformed leper
Big old house with swamp at the back where we hang out with unknown people and smoke ganja
That was absolutely my way of being bored..not mine. / the caramel mile
Not sure..maybe I can borrow your leggings for a short time? / Don’t talk to babies (yeah, she is my sugar baby)
Ok, Barry; move into position….NOW!!
Barry moved into position and we took off our coloured hats and replaced them with monochrome toupees
Pushing cats into the plastic sheet-covered river
Taking out frogs (sensual peasant) / French shipment -  ‘How I love you cannot be fathomed by mere mortals’
Milk-white eyelashes / baby colour
Chocolate doctor / dream of death of poodle
Siamese pin-ups / I seen your face in the catalogue, boy
Bring my baby back to me before the priest clips her wings / the antique smile
Her toe nails had fallen off and were being eaten by a deformed gorilla
My momma sketched a picture of a deformed gorilla being cuddled by Santa Claus
Nosey Dammers / creepy Santa
I was presented with a selection of Jewish snacks, but I had already had a bagel on the way in
Vodka spores / German picnic
Take off your pants and go home / the key to Tar Babies heart
Baby sipped ma cola
Barry Sipmacola and the gay lords of Ancient Texas / stuck up a tree with a kowala
Mr James Stucupatree knows every student by first name only
Greased corpse / remains of dandruff
Greasy corpse / we tried to avoid looking directly at the volleyball eggs
We painted the white children green
Amazed by massive cities / King Valium
Buttered cadaver / plate full of memories
Put that egg down; it belongs to the skipper / anal banquet
Johnny Red:-what’s the price of heroes?
I am my wife’s husband and it is my right to brick her up
Disturbed adventurers / Ren Fang and the Albion Butlers
BF invisible donkeys..but well worth it, Samantha!
I am fish head AKA W K Fish Head - away away / kinky Johnson
Lipstick on a corpse / timeless punks
Dogs in traffic / life with the moon goats
Dog chatter! / man-dog on the vegetable machine
William Shakespeare trying to buy a dog off Christopher Marlowe
Young people climbing mountains without their parents (baseball skull)
Who sold my TV to that tonsil-bandit? / life with Balloo
The arrival of Billy Jean II / jungle teeth
Attracted by his milk-white eyeballs
The last days of banquet / the grinning missing baby
Is it wise to feed that new-born potato chips?
It ain’t easy to contact the devil / the jazz astronaut
We kicked down the door to allow the zombies to come in
Freed from tyranny of King of Hell / dreaming of the sun babies
Dip your finger in the cup-a-soup / Russian habits
I had to pay the mansion tax before going out for breakfast with the cosmonauts / dormant thumbs
Sleeping with a deformed astronaut  / timeless dogs
White pole dancer
Pin-ups of Kenya
Playing chess with a Kenyan drug dealer
Shabby Moon  / chav on the moon
I am white but my fingers are yellow
I hate people who clip their toe nails in public (especially on the bus)
Hairy valve
I kept a secret..i used to play for Carlisle Utd / my girlfriend is my biggest enemy
Tom got married and all the new-born animals came to say ‘congratulations!!’
Dandruff-coated scholars eating old cheeses
Note to Will Self..stop staring at me in the night
Big fat babies floating over my bed in the night
Lesbian traffic cops / back-up chutney
Manfred is hanging around the toilets again, father..
My best friend is addicted to strawberries
“do you want to see Chris Rea’s tonsils?..i keep them in a little velvet bag”
Dormant corpse / Siamese fashion
Is Chris Rea dead? / Fascist Jazz (dead reformation)

Is Norman Whiteside still addicted to Maccaroni cheese
Leaving out canned goods for the Deaf Children
Kept inside your own body / salted coat
Making love to the sweaty bingo caller
There’s more to life than motherboards, she said
Ancient peek / his special dream bogey
It’s only worth 2 or 3 dogs / babies breath
Dead horse on the front lawn / candy from the cavity
Candles in your corpse / candy from corpse
Cat in the dog show (get it outta here, Maude) / Baby doggy being fed to a desperate horse
Last person at the buffet got nothing but cheese triangles
I am the last person you will see before getting laid tonight
Courageous buffet / Uncle Duncan and the fat pole dancers
Lippy fat lap dancer / my girlfriend plays for Ajax Amsterdam
Modern horse / Pope Daniel (thanks for that; stop me now!)
The last summer of 1988 / worried little bald men are so pathetic
Licentious butter owl / kinky memories
Forgotten secrets of the ninth dynasty(!) / Radio Baby
Sharing a train carriage with a group of women that look like hippos
My big fat Greek-Irish pal / we shoved our fingers in the grinning babies fat stomach
Rubbery jaws / dinosaur limb
I got bitten by a smack addled zombie / dope breath
Going up Cecil Hill with a flower under my arse / slender monkey catchement area
Dick Wesley and the blank-faced ghosts (hey hey what day is it today, Kenny?)
The day we came home to find a monkey sitting in the chair where our grandpa used to sit
I am Ancient Joe / Trevor’s got butcher’s fingers
Flaccid groceries
I saw Tom’s early poetry written on the back of a fried chicken take-away menu / Garbo’s poetry
we saw a little man where a  big man should be  (planning to be big)
cloud of manure / legends of Downham Market
fidgeting chicken / we made the child a headdress from abandoned chicken feathers
we are back-door legends / kidney diamonds
messages from Ghost Dog / Gamma origins
perhaps you meant to imitate a chicken and not a bloody fox? / origins of radiation spill
hippo finger in my anus / making pals with hospitalised cat
the jealous lovers have cut off their fingers and placed them in a soup bowl
Hateley’s marvellous adventure / Kiwi germs
An evening spent eating seafish with craggy-faced scientist
I am glued together and now I will return to my rightful hole in the wall
You will not be able to glue your head back on
Rubbish Scandinavian Horse Poetry
Mohammed can’t decide whether to go home or stay for one more cup of orange squash
Infant blister / see-thru ghost
Leonard standing on top of the mountain  with his bird hanging out
Leonard Bird Steiner is my boyfriend now..
Salvation racket - - Mohammed made me randy last night
Mohammed needs me and, quite frankly, I need him
The studio floor was littered with half-eaten veggie sausages
My sore imagination – Petula in the storm, getting wet and soggy.
Frightened of bikes / introducing my new chubby lover
The amazing chomping Mormon / Hey Minister! (this bible is all greasy)
There are far too many mendacious characters in the New Testament
The all-new chubby lovers guide / Are you Dr Gentle Egg?
Scare the fishmonger / dead like Bobby Gentry used to be
Dead like Generic Bobby / fat blossom
Nobody loves greasy techniques / pleasant re-entry
The gentle egg / addicted to 5am ladies
Too much medicine (taken off the hit list – porno dub) / scared of sunshine
I want to break wind
I never did get to meet Roy Orbison / Daniel’s Bones (Muppet Woman’s memories)
Georgie Carpet needs some gravy
Carpet gravy (black-out curtains) / x cares about you (foreman’s arms)
Milk is my life
The life of milk / audio banquet (insipid cavalry)
Brittle bones of Andy Spaceman / mixed Arabs (beautiful Arab)
On the toilet forgetting to phone the charming Arab
Arabic banquet
Arab in leather / it’s like listening to listening to Pencil Music
Big-faced Jesus /  eating vegetables in a house full of spastics
A dream of God in the back passage
There is no difference between believing in Jesus and having a girlfriend
Black passage / posh boxer
Broken vegetables
If you need Jesus in your life, just shut your eyes and call out his name three times (quite loudly..he’s a bit deaf)
Hey hey, my wife just died..time to live my life !!
Good Jesus  you made me feel so tall..i want to rule the world like you used to..
Little baby, look what you’ve gone messed up your dress and your father will be here in fifteen minutes
Ten seconds to impact- get out yer crucifixes
Thomas Mills is not interested in computers / Pink buffet
We fed King Daniel crab meat and crisps
The juggling astronaut (how freakin’ amusing!)
My lover ain’tt got a gun..i took it from him while he slept
The creamy bones of dessert trolley skeleton
Tom is alive like a lightbulb / low-quality dinner
Poor buffet
Shave off that hair, Francis / Paul has a bag of scum tied around his neck
I can’t decide whether to change my name to Brian or Danny Hazard
Ethiopian gut / jazz astronaut
He let his fringe down and said ‘this is rock ‘n’ roll’
Lou Reed scrapped ‘Berlin’ and decided to make an album called ‘Birmingham’ instead.
Pig knuckle colon dance / reading the Old Testament on the loo
I’m a New Testament man / dad’s breath stinks of fags
Zombie’s breath
There goes old corpse breath
His breath stank of Sweetcorn and Vimto
Her breath stank of Sweet Chilli potato chips
The pink under-flesh of Diamond Johnson / sweaty pink under-carriage (seeping into an orphan’s eyes)
Dan Kingston and the stinking hillbillies / orphans floating in the dead sea
I could not find my cat so I stroked Phillip’s beard instead
My life as a lobster / goblin at the dinner table (PE teacher is blind)
I can see the sweaty pavement slabs from my bedroom window
Pink bleep – under the revolving stone heads / holiday in the hospital (without revolving heads)
The day we painted ourselves black
Naked butcher / September death
Stay home with Christ
The Evangelist bulletin / Chinese ending
Mexican bravery / Mexican hand gestures
Live your life with the German men
Christmas tits / Ju Ju banquet
Mesmerised by Jacko
Defunct banquet / picking moon flowers with the blind astronaut
He exhibited his beautiful teeth at the World’s Fair
Hot sex pest
White men wearing pyjamas / skank in the cemetery (skanking in the cemetery)
We arrived at the back before the girls had gone to bed (that dream I have)
Which do you prefer..dreams or reality?
I have to be more influenced by the poetry that never got written. / dirty birth
My lover is a troll (video gay) / Pablo’s new blister
The moon reminds me of that newborn babies head
Please look after this newborn baby what we found in the sea / pink Indians
We dipped our bones in the bloody pool / We dance and we scream..this is how we get our pleasure in the middle of the night
Death tastes metallic
The incurable diseased mind of Lenny Jacobs
Ramadan after-party / death of a Ghost Opera (I am really here!!)
The day you opened up your eyes and realised you were living in a tiny world that was created by  (name deleted by user)
Big Slag
And the meaning of life is (to strip, Dali)
The meaning of death
The cigarette fell from his mouth and one-by-one the peasant girls started to chuckle manically
Cigarette teeth
Modern bongo (in your head –as you are in life…sorry, Anna; i had to do it) / Cajun Poetry Club’s something rappers do to make themselves feel more connected to the past
His head exploded and that put an end to the seminar
If God wanted men to be heterosexual, why did he make men so damn beautiful?
Homophobic chimpanzee
Japanese sorrow (Ginger booklet) / there are no ginger Japs
God; this is a message from Paul Davies..please put more sugar in my sugar barrel
Forgotten idiot:- ginger video installation no no (goblets of AIDS-ridden spit)
Ginger abstraction (go home with love rat:- offal’s Mary or Maureen) / Nintendo Gayboy
Maureen is in heaven now, boys / African mindset
Dip the baby in the gravy
Clown fingers / dandruff and velvet donkey (thanks to Ha Ha Muff)
Tea boy  is ginger victim / Rolling Wolf
The haunted house was far less frightening after we fileld it with children’s toys and flowers
God is a gentleman / sleeping with the daydreamers
We lost our pet clown and found him wandering around a small graveyard in Finchley
Perfumed cadaver / modern men with moustaches
Wilson, fetch me some gravy and then go and shave off that bum-fluff / Nanny God
Hospital frogs
Nanny on the moon
Arse fluff / the devil’s fingers were covered in ornate rings but also horrible warts and slag blisters
Man in green tight shirt with puss bursting from every spot on his rancid body
Collocate these abstract messages we received from God and try to make some kind of sense of them before supper
Oh you are dead now / golden orifice
Lost and found with the Ha Ha Muff
You young furry batchelor, you / batchelor’s dandruff
Robin Hood’s hood / apparently, panther sperm makes an excellent aphrodisiac
The gargling noise that emanates from the nearly-dead old folks / a flat man sleeps better than everyone else in the village
Today I looked at John Lennon’s hair / repast for Dingo
Baby in the heatwave / sensible moustache
Techno surprise / very greasy bones!
Rag doll in the king’s bed / death inspection

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