Wednesday, 13 March 2024

Happy Easter


Happy Easter
Pablo the Baby
Reynold Jonathon Blair III
Carter Homesick
Puffy Whinestock
Crabapple Smith
Dan Duck Sausage
Kid Wimpole
Barry Cream
Jackie Thumbprint
The Humanized Robot

happy easter from
Ted Pahaca
Grim Buffalo
Johnny Combine
Cliff Woodstyle
Winston Cambelt
Judd Krazy
Pliny Wetstocking
Evil Joe Handshake
Creamy Peters
Debbie Cagefight

cockleshale much pocket (lunch pocket) . human use

Gimbo Industrties
1. Did Charles Hawrtree was a Liar?
2. Gizzard Relics on the Footstool
3. Gambo Sunn
4. Sunrise was a hollow hoax
5. Bubba Carfax / Tree Ceefax
6. Gas Wincer
7. Terry was a pig natch cream bullet
8. relatively new penis
9. the visage i could not tolerate - B53 2010 Herts
10. cauliflower colony

have you ever been inside a Gooloo Chamber, Ian?
1. Powdered footballs
2. KIss the ankle of resting nun
3. KIss Destroyer was an LP i could chew on all nite
4 butetr beans are alcoholic
5. do you eat stew? if not, why not?

Gweelo Jesstika and Florence
1. Gum boil shaved carcass
2. we go to Africa on our own
3. the jealous husband of a dead clown

Fogtrot House
1. missing clown
2. Clowm worm dandelion buttock
3. Sinister dandy at Heartfield
4. I looked Clarence in the beady eye, he fell off his bar stool and commenced frothing at the gob
5. a Giles Clause?
6. do you have a window to the womb?
7. plantation addict
8. bisucit crumds on the moon
9. biscuit crumbs on the moon
10. a tiger implant- no joy kettle drum (Iggy Pop has a rancid pet dog)
God's Snake Fingers part 1..
1. Salad Blanket
2. Salad Greaves
3. Peppered Lung
4. a twist from the inside - cabbage rocket parsley nosejob
5. a finished twot
6. finishing the leftovers at Christmas Warzone
7. Christian ambulation
8. ozzy in the field
9. Australian die merchant w/ peacenick
10. i trouble the gods, faggots and gravy!

Ping Blooto
1. Pink Bluto
2. Orange Caffrey
3. Blue Apple Blood Orange Tin Pit
4 Crag and Dorfmeister
5 holy rennet
6 unusual reunion 1
7 common troll
8 onion snoop
9 daddy frock-coat
10 careful with that silk worm Michael


cusisine i couldn't eat-
fudge sausage
partitioned egg spliff
creamy pork shoulder with double olives
dubplate chemistry apple
shoes inside a box of kidney beans
frozen gaul bladder soup