Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Barcelona 50/

'Permanent World'

'YAB Culture'

'Joe's Flesh'

'Nobody Loves It'

'London April 2014 (+ -)'

'Pig Act'

'We Are Katie 8'

'Mimmy's Reunion Party'

'Parasite Blues (Blue)'

'Parasite Blues (R M 99)'

'Siamese Dream'

'Barcelona 50/'

'Bad Nest'

'Fain Alix'

'What is Happening?'

'Bagle or Bagel?'


'R (Your Hardest Friend)'

'My (Your?) Pet Rat'

Talulha Goethe..

I formed a rock group called 'Christian Dream'. We play mainly early 90s cheese jive and mid 60s Afro queer pop/ come near me and smell my fart(s)

Friday, 7 February 2014

Finger Ring

'Bathing Today'

'I am Masked'

'Finger Ring'

'What Day is it?'

'Barcelona Day'


'Horse Heart Apple'

'Who Was Herman Voss?'

'Jus' Another Day'

'Eulb Music'

'? Human Hands'

'Can David Bowie See in the Dark?'

'Octopus Cement'

Bachelor's Horse/how can you be sure your dad is queer?/
24/56/11..Jandek walks free from Glaswegian prison/a goose is weeping whilst my sister plays drums on a bunch o' old tin cans/ the man who sold moustaches to Asian teenagers is dancing in carpet shoes


'Lyplwi --distant white eyes?'

'Head 2 - Chimpanzee Poet'

'Sniff Meat'

'Cactus King'


'Long Night(s)'

'Yep Prized Christmas (Sunshine)'

'Autumn Turtle (Manchester Influx)'

Japanese Hospitality Records present.. JANDEK - THE MYTH OF LIFE (curtain raiser eyebrows, Chinese bridge teeth, salt and pepper blues, a distant ja

Resurrection of John Paul Baker

'The Decline and Fall of John Paul'

'Resurrection of John Paul'

What is this u place before me? Haggis you say? Why, the last time I ate haggis I fell in love with the wench who served me the meal. I married her a few weeks earlier, ate haggis every day for a year. Do u expect me to eat haggis now? Do u? After a perennial haggis diet u are asking me to once again eat haggis? Really? Are u really?