'Permanent World'
'YAB Culture'
'Joe's Flesh'
'Nobody Loves It'
'London April 2014 (+ -)'
'Pig Act'
'We Are Katie 8'
'Mimmy's Reunion Party'
'Parasite Blues (Blue)'
'Parasite Blues (R M 99)'
'Siamese Dream'
'Barcelona 50/'
'Bad Nest'
'Fain Alix'
'What is Happening?'
'Bagle or Bagel?'
'R (Your Hardest Friend)'
'My (Your?) Pet Rat'
Talulha Goethe..
I formed a rock group called 'Christian Dream'. We play mainly early 90s cheese jive and mid 60s Afro queer pop/ come near me and smell my fart(s)