Monday, 24 February 2025

The Way We Were


1 Chippendale Horror Fantasy
2. Black Beano
3. Caramel Landslide
4. the duck between my feet
5. pub-rock cassette wiper
6. flann addict -strangler's  custard
7. Whipsnake of Aldershot
8 knob shopper
9. killer of clouds
10 angry bustard

1. ergh.. from a box of eggs?
2. scratch souvenir
3. Moses obligation
4. Cranked neck-job (particle stew)
5. Steward Botch Weekend Pass
6. Dirty Greens
7. Swab Onions
8. The Cream was Taken with out Permission from the Mutants
9. Mutant Day Out
10. Flabby Baby
11. The Way we look after taking the last of the narcotics
12. scheme from god's vade mecum
13. trailmix for Wes Craven
14. Johnny's weird egg cache
15. district 9 poster craze students

1. spud egg
2. chinese Franklyn
3. double egg and novice rejection
4. clouds over Davenport - grilled eggs and cheeses

2. Bob Cobbing disco shoe
3. advanced god
4. knuckle grinder (egg cup fossil)
5. the sperm brick
6. igloo full of eggs
7. caramel burp
8. disco trolly
9. field mouse society
10. the deranged cowboy

1. THINK of a triangle and software full of holes
2. transformed banana
3. the eel slipped from the greasy palm of the sailor
4. the twisted sculpture housing
5. beneath the eyelid
6. a history of sketchy men
7. saddled with anoraks
8. anorak musuem
9. cardigan on ebay
10. monk fallacy
11. the perturbed weirdo annexe
12. sitting on a mushroom stool in 1980s VH Frnc
13. storm cloud hangover
14. penis relief tech
15. cardigan in my mudpit
16. my boots are hungry for stomp
17. indie cassette in the graveyard
18. here are my flags, here are my small teacups
19. want to see a war baby (no commars)
20. sleepy toenail
21. ham grief
22. fantastic myths of late 80s europe
23. hangman twist

2. apple weed
3. minks or stoats?
4. milk monkey
5. Bobblin Otter connector
6. sheep greetings
7. molested goblin
8. nuclear fag
9. prism dancer
10. Creole onions

1. MUD FLATS over Ghosty Hill
2. prang psychology
3. oboe ghost
4. pills inside the egg
5. eggy wizard
6. the freerange snooker hall society remainders
7. clubhouse smoke stack
8. sinister edge (tooth grinder museum)
9 Andy Heck Boyd plantation psychotherapy
10. cliff over edge

Friday, 14 February 2025

Charlie Cod - Toenail Clippings Archive 2026


1. Butter Bird
2. Charlie for the Bird
3. youngborn offal
4. switchover Shaman
5. the draught huckleberry porn reminder
6. the king was a dirty whore
7. slime Biscuit
8. Bristow's Finish
9. not Clogged Soup?
10. timeless fart

1. Cat called Richard
2. Earworm Ache
3. Anal Blandishment
4. cornucopia of delightfully rude facial gestures
5. army puddle
6. apple pullover
7. mushroom horse
8. glad to be demented
9. hot water rush balloon
10. high on monkey spittle
11. the velvet wrist-slap
12. trapped in the dayglo dungeon in 1982-3

1. the 'Floating' Beatles
2. Cold Ham and Smoking Sock-Sac
3. the irreversible concotion
4. pram on a wing
5. the giant nostril
6. Sammy the Twitcher
7. bride  3 D
8. 4D Android collar bone
9. fantastic slime
10. bum bag selection
11. umbrella fudge
12. pecked head
13. sexy wallflower
14. gamble fish
15. drugged dogg

2. stroke the stubble from a grand fool
3. the witch from East End
4. frozen in foolish lands
5. the grub rail
6. pancakes on the side
7. the futr-lined orchestra
8. footsy miracle cache
9. bender addiction
10. trollop carcass
11. Disney leftovers
12. hi it is pop hit
13. KLF vegetable mix
14. Tarzan was a freak?
15. busy nomad
16. monday is a biscuit carcass
17. pleasure performance
18. wizard croc
19. panther spitt
20. carcass removal

Monday, 22 July 2024

Charley R-1 (Whiskyflower)


meanwhile on Screwtop Hill
er.. we got goats coming out a tha mountain top, carrying what appear to be radiators from an old jumble site over dere, some tings i been meaning to pick up lately, old car fan belts an' shit and maybe some graphic paper for to do my sums on ya diggit?
i jus' witnessed my old school teacher talking some to Darren A. Pol

 the card reader, the auto salesman, the pastry chef, the mesmeriser, the flcoking wolfteaser.

carrots pie, loose whiplash. can you see poison pen paper, graphics are all mixed up at the bottom of the acid ocean

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Inside and Around London (Londonium) U.K.


King's Cross Londonium U.K.

have you ever seen a muppet with all sort of green liquid seeping out of one of its portals?

Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Madder Lips on Pig


                                    Jazz Rose, puddle stud on draught - hanger clasp hand relief. Rose West Westerm                                        Truffle Red Drab . Crowland Minx

Skimmed off 

Crimina Duck. Flash Puddin. we movie Big Toad Skin 

in this Purple Madder Rain Offal New Big Prinz


welcome to the Spigot
Brother Beyond were a 'spasm band'
the jobless crow
reach around for Mother Goose
sex trawler

some good splinters for a shaft idea..
Grog Mongul
Heavy Gravy
moose lunatic
the wizard's partition
slapstick sleep
country fossil
fossilised countryman
dickhead with a pot of gravy and no gloves
oven shafter
cream specimen
dickheads in Spurs
the frozen kidney stone

Wednesday, 13 March 2024

Happy Easter


Happy Easter
Pablo the Baby
Reynold Jonathon Blair III
Carter Homesick
Puffy Whinestock
Crabapple Smith
Dan Duck Sausage
Kid Wimpole
Barry Cream
Jackie Thumbprint
The Humanized Robot

happy easter from
Ted Pahaca
Grim Buffalo
Johnny Combine
Cliff Woodstyle
Winston Cambelt
Judd Krazy
Pliny Wetstocking
Evil Joe Handshake
Creamy Peters
Debbie Cagefight

cockleshale much pocket (lunch pocket) . human use

Gimbo Industrties
1. Did Charles Hawrtree was a Liar?
2. Gizzard Relics on the Footstool
3. Gambo Sunn
4. Sunrise was a hollow hoax
5. Bubba Carfax / Tree Ceefax
6. Gas Wincer
7. Terry was a pig natch cream bullet
8. relatively new penis
9. the visage i could not tolerate - B53 2010 Herts
10. cauliflower colony

have you ever been inside a Gooloo Chamber, Ian?
1. Powdered footballs
2. KIss the ankle of resting nun
3. KIss Destroyer was an LP i could chew on all nite
4 butetr beans are alcoholic
5. do you eat stew? if not, why not?

Gweelo Jesstika and Florence
1. Gum boil shaved carcass
2. we go to Africa on our own
3. the jealous husband of a dead clown

Fogtrot House
1. missing clown
2. Clowm worm dandelion buttock
3. Sinister dandy at Heartfield
4. I looked Clarence in the beady eye, he fell off his bar stool and commenced frothing at the gob
5. a Giles Clause?
6. do you have a window to the womb?
7. plantation addict
8. bisucit crumds on the moon
9. biscuit crumbs on the moon
10. a tiger implant- no joy kettle drum (Iggy Pop has a rancid pet dog)
God's Snake Fingers part 1..
1. Salad Blanket
2. Salad Greaves
3. Peppered Lung
4. a twist from the inside - cabbage rocket parsley nosejob
5. a finished twot
6. finishing the leftovers at Christmas Warzone
7. Christian ambulation
8. ozzy in the field
9. Australian die merchant w/ peacenick
10. i trouble the gods, faggots and gravy!

Ping Blooto
1. Pink Bluto
2. Orange Caffrey
3. Blue Apple Blood Orange Tin Pit
4 Crag and Dorfmeister
5 holy rennet
6 unusual reunion 1
7 common troll
8 onion snoop
9 daddy frock-coat
10 careful with that silk worm Michael


cusisine i couldn't eat-
fudge sausage
partitioned egg spliff
creamy pork shoulder with double olives
dubplate chemistry apple
shoes inside a box of kidney beans
frozen gaul bladder soup

Wednesday, 31 January 2024



Gowa Copa (Moonboy Del Boy Collective)
or Airfix Grand Prix Mini Proxi Maxi Fix)

Dixon Ampersand

frogwater sand-ditch sandwitch
purple dentist appointment, candy arms filler with crocodilla rump bastard, heinous frog wopple hog switch-over valve cuddled sinner smile of grass stinker


is this Felix Cubin

what is horse bread?

Chuck and Dano
(white horse manure). fields of  Ephraim

Gussett Flower Card 1

Holy Tooth


Siflcube 0

Harry Travolta and Bis Ocki

we smoke shite

house pickle

sandman 2002

so Jim you think it's time to, like, get fuckin' crazy man? 'well gee i dunno Yamo, salt and pepper clips roundhouse kicks funky vinegar Stew what?'